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                地 址:成都市金牛万♀达写字楼


                关于糖酒会 About CFDF



                All distinguished industry colleagues,

                The 100th China Food & Drinks Exhibition(referred as CFDFhereafter) is to be held from March 21, 2019 to March 23, 2019, at Western China International Expo City in Chengdu. We sincerely invite all of you, manufacturer and dealer from the fields of alcohol, food, beverages, condiments, food additives, food packaging and food machinery to register to attend this exhibition.




                有@ 着中国食品行业“晴雨表”之称的全国糖酒商品交易会,始于1955年,是中国历史最为悠久的大型专业展会之一。全国糖酒会由中国糖业酒类有限集团公司主办,一年两届,分春、秋两〇季举行,成都一直是每年春季糖酒会的举办城市。



                About China Food and Drinks Fair

                China Food & Drinks Fair(referred as CFDFhereafter) , hailed as “ barometer” of China food&drinks industry, started in 1955. It is one of the oldest, large-scale and professional exhibitions in China. CFDF is sponsored by China Sugar & Alcohol Group Corp.It takes place twice a year, in Spring season and Autumn season respectively and the Spring edition is held in Chengdu every year.


                So far, each and every session of the Faircovered an area of more than 100,000 , with Fairattendance of nearly 3000 enterprises and over 150,000 professional visitors, the total turnover of approximately RMB 20 billion. As a Fairwith the history, large scale, and a far-reaching influence in China’s alcoholic beverage industry, it is reputed as “The First Event” .





                Highlights From the 98 CFDF

                Last year on March, the 98th China Food&Drinks Fair took place at Western China International Expo City in Chengdu, covering an exhibition area of 210000 with more than 4000 exhibitors, broke a historic record both in exhibition area and attendance. It was appreciated by all visitors and exhibitors for it’s effective promotion.


                As the hosting venue, Western China International Expo City offers advanced exhibition service, convenient transportation logistics system for your need. Besides, with it’s geographic advantage and tremendous economic potential at Tianfu New Area, attendees are provided with satisfying exhibition experience.



                2019, 100届成都春季全国糖酒商品交易会






                2019The 100th China Food&Drinks Fair

                Duration: from 21 March,2019 to 23 March,2019

                Venue: Western China International Expo City (No. 198 Century City Road, Hi-Tech Zone, Chengdu City)

                Sponsor: China Sugar and Alcohol Corporation

                Authorized agency: Chengdu Shi Yun Advertising Co.,Ltd.



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